Liste partonomique P3, langue principale: FR, subsidiaire: LA, interface: FR, travaux en cours


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Page de départ Partonomie TAH
Niveau supérieur système cardiovasculaire Abrégé étendu
Niveau 2 cœur Abrégé étendu
Niveau actuel péricarde
Langage subsidiaire avec le latin
Language principal non Latin
Liste partonomique
Equivalent français court
Terme Latin officiel court
9869 3715 tax
9586 3716 tax
péricarde fibreux
pericardium fibrosum
71429 3717 tax
ligaments sternopéricardiques
ligamenta sternopericardiaca
14821 tax
ligament sternopéricardique supérieur
ligamentum sternopericardiacum superius
15779 tax
ligament sternopéricardique inférieur
ligamentum sternopericardiacum inferius
77436 3718 tax
membrane bronchopéricardique
membrana bronchopericardiaca
9582 3719 tax
péricarde séreux
pericardium serosum
9870 3720 tax
lame pariétale du péricarde séreux
lamina parietalis pericardii serosi
15780 tax
lame viscérale du péricarde séreux
lamina visceralis pericardii serosi ; epicardium
15781 tax
tunique séreuse du péricarde séreux
tunica serosa pericardii serosi
77001 15782 tax
tunique subséreuse du péricarde séreux
tunica subserosa pericardii serosi
7224 3724 tax
pli de la veine cave gauche supérieure
plica venae cavae superioris sinistrae
12 lignes
83.3 %
83.3 %
Notes scientifiques
Libelle of note
Membrana bronchopericardiaca A connective tissue membrane consisting mainly of collagenous fibres that extends from the anterior surface of the tracheal bifurcation via the dorsal wall of the pericardium to the diaphragm. Three fibre directions can be discerned. Vertical fibres run in the direction just mentioned. Transverse fibres run from the pericardium into the lung where they join the adventitia of the large pulmonary veins. Oblique fibres extend from the two main bronchi diagonally over the pericardium into the opposite pulmonal ligaments. The membrane is the borderline between the middle and the posterior mediastinum, together with the tracheal bifurcation. Its function is to stabilize the tracheal bifurcation and that of the main bronchi, in relation to the dorsal aspect of the pericardium and the pulmonary hilus, during movements relating to respiration, the larynx, and the head. Benninghoff Anatomie. 1994. Edited by Drenckhahn D. and Zenker W. Vol. 1. p. 557. München-Wien-Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg. Rauber/Kopsch. 1987. Anatomie des Menschen. Edited by Leonhardt H. Vol. 2, p. 159. “Innere Organe." Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme.
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 3715
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 11
Number of children 11 (validated)
Proper units 12
Number of units 12 (validated)
Signature 314 (validated since 11.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025